Services for Whole-Life Wellness 



At this time our clinic uses psychotherapy, psychiatric medication management, nutrition and occupational therapy services as the primary methods to assist you in reaching your wellness goals.


Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, is used to address psychological issues and concerns, interpersonal conflict, unhelpful thought and behavior patterns, and traumatic experiences. Psychotherapy is a joint effort between you and your therapist. Your therapist will work with you to determine which evidenced-based treatment is best for you and your needs. Your initial session involves collaboration with your therapist to create a treatment plan with attainable goals and objectives to work towards in therapy. Throughout your treatment, you and your therapist can review and revise your goals and objectives.


Types of Psychotherapy

  • Individual Therapy

  • Family Therapy

  • Group Therapy


Psychiatric medication management

Psychiatric medication management involves a range of processes that aim to optimize medication use, such as prescribing the most appropriate medication and dosage for your condition and monitoring your response to the medication to adjust the medication regimen as needed. Medication management is used to ensure safe, effective, and appropriate use of medications to improve health outcomes, including psychological health. The goal of medication is to maximize the benefits of medication therapy while minimizing the risks and costs associated with medication use. This includes achieving the desired therapeutic effect, improving quality of life, reducing the risk of adverse effects, preventing medication errors, and promoting patient adherence to medication regimens.

Nutrition services

Nutrition services encompass personalized nutrition assessment, counseling, and guidance tailored to help you attain your health and wellness aspirations. Our registered dietitian will provide evidence-based advice and formulate a customized nutrition plan based on your unique requirements and preferences. Dietitians offer information and direction regarding health factors that are within your control (diet, nutrition, and related behaviors) to nurture and promote your overall health and well-being.

Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy (OT) involves a holistic approach to assist adults in achieving their wellness goals. OT focuses on enhancing well-being through personalized interventions that address challenges related to daily activities, physical and cognitive impairments, and overall quality of life. Our Occupational Therapist collaborates with you to assess your unique needs, establish tailored goals, and provide evidenced-based activities to promote independent and emotional well-being.

Session Length and Frequency

A typical individual session is 50 minutes. Duration of services and frequency is determined based on your current symptoms, treatment goals, session type, and availability.  Shorter or longer sessions can be provided upon request and based on your insurance plan. Please note that changes in fees may apply.

Emergencies & Crisis

If you are experiencing suicidal, homicidal, or violent tendencies, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.